About us

...met in London’s performance scene. Both artists share a common interest in conceptual performance art and movements. They work together on experimental choreographies / installations and are interested in using the whole body [Mind, Face, voice, emotions, Impulses…]. In September 2010 they have found the art collaboration [Re:artzzZ]. [Re:artzzZ]'s performances have been presented at different festivals in England and Mainland Europe. Since 2013 the collaboration is expanding internationally, and has a second base in Frankfurt / Germany.

Friday 22 February 2013

Tanztag Rhein_Main 2013 / 27th April

... Regina is looking forward to offer a dance class for children as part of ‘Tanztag Rhein_Main 2013’ in Frankfurt / Germany

·      CREATIVE DANCE & PHYSICAL THEATRE for kids [6-9 years]
·      27/4/13
·      12:30-13:30 Uhr, Probebühne 3, Mousonturm Frankfurt [Waldschmidtstr.4, 60316 Frankfurt]
·   pay as you wish! Just come along!

Class is held in German / Unterrichtssprache Deutsch:

"Dieser Tanzkurs ist für alle Kinder im Alter von 6-9, die Spaß an Bewegung und Tanz haben und erfordert keine Vorkenntnisse. Er erlaubt Kindern aus den einfachsten und verschiedensten Bewegungsimprovisationen selbst Choreographien und Szenen alleine oder gemeinsam in einer Gruppe zu erstellen. Beweglichkeit, Kreativität und Kommunikationsfähigkeit werden hierbei ebenso gestärkt."

Tanztag Rhein_Main 2013, eine Veranstaltung von 
Tanzlabor_21/Tanzbasis Frankfurt_Rhein_Main



Thursday 21 February 2013

Music for 'Apocalipsis cum figurizzZ' by Stephen Haben

...an abridged version of the music Stephen Haben did for RE:artzzZ's performance installation in Mainz in December '13.

'Apocalipsis cum figurizzZ' by Regina Fichtner | RE:artzzZ | performance installation @ pad - performance art depot, Mainz, Germany
